The Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) franchise is making its next-gen debut later this year, as Atari today announced that Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit is in development for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game, developed by Namco Bandai, will include online gameplay in both versions.
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit will feature online battles with all the classic DBZ characters, and its “radical 3D graphic effects only possible on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3” will lead, according to Atari, to a Dragon Ball Z: experience that “will blur the line between video game and iconic anime series.”
Not that those guys and their PR agency like hype or anything….
Actual character counts, environment/stage lists, and multiplayer specifics remain unannounced, but the announcement did offer one bit of overly hyped info: “Jam-packed with graphically enhanced playable characters, realistic battle stages and environments, players can take hold and experience Dragon Ball Z as never before.”
Yeah, we didn’t really get much from that either….