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LOL char

7 Best Supports for Samira in League of Legends

Choosing the right support champion can make all the difference in maximizing the potential of a hypercarry like Samira in League of Legends. With her aggressive playstyle and high damage output, Samira thrives when paired with supports who can enable her to secure kills, survive early aggression, and snowball into the late game. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the seven best support picks to complement Samira’s strengths and elevate her performance on the Rift.

So, Who Is Samira? 


Samira, the Desert Rose, is a dynamic and relentless marksman champion in League of Legends, known for her unparalleled combat prowess and flashy playstyle. Hailing from the desert city of Shurima, Samira’s backstory is one of determination and resilience, shaped by a desire for revenge against those who wronged her family.

In-game, Samira’s kit revolves around her ability to string together stylish combos using her dual-wielded pistols and a blade. With a mix of ranged and melee attacks, she excels at dishing out damage from both close and afar, making her a versatile threat in team fights and skirmishes. Her passive, Daredevil Impulse, rewards players for chaining together different types of abilities, granting her increased attack speed and bonus style points for each unique action.

While Samira possesses incredible damage potential and mobility, she also has notable weaknesses, particularly in the game’s early stages. With a relatively low base health pool and limited defensive tools, she can be vulnerable to aggressive opponents and ganks, especially without proper protection. This is where the role of support becomes crucial.

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Why Is Support Necessary In LOL?

Support champions in League of Legends assist their teammates, providing crowd control, sustainment, and protection to ensure their safety and success. For Samira, having a support partner by her side is essential for several reasons:

  • Early Game Survival: Samira’s early laning phase can be challenging, especially against aggressive opponents. Support can help mitigate early pressure, providing peel and sustain to keep her safe while she scales into the mid and late game.
  • Engagement Opportunities: Samira excels at capitalizing on opportunities to engage and secure kills. Support with crowd control abilities can set up favorable engagements for her, allowing her to unleash her full combo and secure kills with her ultimate Inferno Trigger.
  • Peel and Protection: Samira’s high damage output often makes her a prime target for enemy assassins and bruisers in team fights. Support with peel abilities can help protect her, allowing her to maintain her position and continue dealing with damage safely.

7 Best Supports for Samira in League of Legends

In League of Legends, synergy between ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) and their support counterparts is crucial for success in the bottom lane. For Samira, the hyper-aggressive and flashy marksman, choosing the right support can make all the difference in dominating the laning phase and snowballing into the late game. Here are seven of the best support picks to complement Samira’s strengths and elevate her performance on the Rift.




Leona’s kit synergizes perfectly with Samira’s aggressive playstyle. With her crowd control abilities, such as her stun from Shield of Daybreak and root from Zenith Blade, Leona can set up easy engages for Samira to follow up with her high damage output. Leona’s tankiness and ability to soak up damage make her an ideal frontline protector for Samira, allowing her to position aggressively and dish out damage without fear of retaliation.




Like Leona, Nautilus excels at engaging and locking down enemies, making him an excellent support choice for Samira. His hook ability, Dredge Line, can pull enemies towards him, setting up easy kills for Samira to capitalize on. Nautilus also provides ample crowd control with his passive root and ultimate ability, Depth Charge, which can disrupt enemy formations and create openings for Samira to unleash her full combo.




Thresh’s versatile kit and playmaking potential make him a strong support pick for Samira. His hook ability, Death Sentence, can catch enemies off guard and set up kills for Samira to follow up on. Additionally, Thresh’s lantern, Dark Passage, provides Samira an escape route in sticky situations, allowing her to reposition and continue dealing with damage safely. Thresh’s crowd control abilities and utility make him a valuable ally for Samira throughout the game.

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While Lulu may not be the most traditional support pick for a hypercarry like Samira, her utility and protective abilities can significantly enhance Samira’s survivability and damage output. Lulu’s Whimsy can grant Samira bonus movement speed and attack speed, allowing her to kite enemies more effectively and unleash her combos with increased speed. Additionally, Lulu’s ultimate ability, Wild Growth, can turn Samira into a towering juggernaut, granting her bonus health and knock-up immunity during team fights.




Yuumi’s ability to attach herself to allies and provide constant healing and buffs makes her a strong support pick for champions like Samira, who thrive on sustained engagements. With Yuumi attached, Samira gains increased mobility and survivability, allowing her to stay in fights longer and deal more damage. Yuumi’s ultimate ability, Final Chapter, can also provide crowd control and lockdown potential, creating opportunities for Samira to secure kills and swing team fights in her team’s favor.




Alistar’s crowd control and tackiness make him a reliable frontline support for Samira. His combo of Headbutt and Pulverize can disrupt enemy formations and create openings for Samira to engage and deal damage. Additionally, Alistar’s ultimate ability, Unbreakable Will, grants him bonus durability and crowd control reduction, allowing him to soak up damage and protect Samira during team fights.




Blitzcrank’s hook ability, Rocket Grab, can pull enemies towards him, setting up easy kills for Samira to follow up on. Additionally, Blitzcrank’s crowd control and displacement abilities make him a threat in the lane and during team fights, providing ample opportunities for Samira to capitalize on enemy mistakes and secure kills. Blitzcrank’s ability to catch enemies off guard and create picks makes him a valuable asset to Samira’s team composition.

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Final Thoughts

While Samira is a formidable force, the right support champion can enhance her strengths and cover her weaknesses, enabling her to dominate the bottom lane and carry her team to victory. Whether setting up kills, providing crowd control, or offering protection, these seven support picks enable Samira to unleash her full potential on the Rift.

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