I enjoyed what I played during my hands-on time with three Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer maps, but a very large part of me wanted to learn more about the single-player campaign. I’m a big story and narrative buff, a seeming dying breed here in the video game world. Multiplayer is all well and good, by what I really crave is Campaign.
The renewed focus that Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts
are placing on the single-player stories is one of the things that most excites me about each game. In fact, it’s what got me most stoked at E3 2013, even though EA and Activision only showed-off the multiplayer elements of their respective game.
So imagine my glee when Activision released a Call of Duty: Ghosts single-player campaign video yesterday. No, the video doesn’t divulge too much about the Call of Duty: Ghosts single-player campaign storyline, but it does share some of the epic moments we’re bound to experience when the game ships for every conceivable platform — including Xbox One and PS4 — this November.
In addition to the release of this trailer, here’s what we know about the Call of Duty: Ghosts single-player campaign. The game will include an all-new character lineup and storyline, with gamers playing as a team comprised of the remnants of a squad after a big event decimated the military and left the United States as a sort of underdog.
It won’t just be people on the Ghosts squad, though, as there will now be a dog as a squad member. The dog, named Riley, will sniff out enemies, find objectives, and provide a certain level of vicious, up-close defense that hasn’t previously been seen in a COD game.
Still, for the Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer junkies out there, check out our initial information about the Call of Duty Ghosts perks and Call of Duty Ghosts killstreaks list and strike packages.