In the much-loved Samantha Who?, Samantha Newly (Christina Applegate) awakens from an eight-day coma with no memory of her previous life. Unnerved by the discovery that she was a shallow, vain, nonstop partier, Sam vows to reinvent a better self. In addition to being a good show, Samantha Who? won over viewers due in part to Applegate’s public decision to battle breast cancer with a double mastectomy, a brave decision for a Hollywood star but one that paid off for both her health and the show’s emotional power.
In Season Two of Samantha Who?, reformed party girl Sam acquires a new beau (James Tupper of “Men in Trees”) and a new job (working with her formerly estranged mom, played by Jean Smart). As she continues to find out just what a bad girl she’s been, Sam is working hard to put together a life with a purpose. What that purpose is, she’s still trying to figure out.
We’re giving away a new retail DVD set of Samantha Who?: The Complete Second/Final Season in this latest DVD sweepstakes. To enter for your chance to win, simply complete and submit the entry form below by 11:59pm PST on August 27, 2009. Site registration is not required. Anyone worldwide 18 years old or older can enter once per day per email address. Winners will be randomly chosen. Odds of winning vary based on the number of entries received, and you can increase your chances of winning by coming back to enter every day.