World of Warcraft Classic, or popularly known as Vanilla WoW, is a viral companion server medium for World of Warcraft. Here, you would experience the preceding phase of The Burning Crusade, and hence, there’s no doubt that nostalgia would be a constant friend of each player throughout the game.

Released in August 2019, it spread worldwide and has since been multiple gamers’ favorites. In this article, I will focus on the various features of the World of Warcraft Classic and its gameplay.
WoW Classic: Currency
To play the World of Warcraft Classic, you would need to know about the game’s currency. The WoW Classic Gold is the virtual currency in the World of Warcraft Classic. If you want more information about WoW Classic Gold, go here right away! Also, if you want more in-depth information on how to buy wow gold, I would recommend you check out the lootwowgold website for their services.
WoW Classic: Features of Gameplay
The old-school version of the World of Warcraft game has newly modified features, which makes the plot exciting, and you would not get bored of playing the version for even once. Let’s look at the features to know more about the Vanilla WoW version game:
- A player can reach up to level 60. Hence, the number of levels in the game is 60.
- Though the plot and settings of the game are identical to the older version, there are a few innovations in the interface and the features of the characters in the game.
- There are eight categories included in the game, such as:
- Human
- Dwarf
- Gnome
- Night Elf
- Orc
- Troll
- Tauren
- Forsaken
- With each new level, your protection would get modified. For example, if you cross one level and reach the next, the protection mode would increase to 15.
- Earlier, the maps had an exclamation sign and didn’t let the players view the region. With the modified version, you would be able to get a fair idea of your quests through the map, and it has no exclamation sign.
- There are multiple quests on the game. You would have the option to play a high level and low-level adventurous quests with the map.
- There are several magical spells in the game, which you can use against your rivals.
WoW Classic: Different Phases
The Blizzard Entertainment has planned on dividing the WoW Classic version into several different phases, such as:
- The first phase of the game, also known as the Vanilla version launch, includes:
- Molten Core
- Onyxia
- Maraudon
- The second phase includes:
- Dire Maul
- Azuregos
- Kazzak
- The third phase includes:
- Blackwing Lair
- Darkmoon Faire
- Darkmoon Deck
- The fourth phase includes:
- Zul’Gurub
- Green Dragons
- The fifth phase includes:
- Ahn’Qiraj
- Dungeon Invasion
- Last but not least, the sixth phase of the game includes:
- Naxxramas
- Scourge Invasion
The content of the game is massive and is getting developed with time. Moreover, the news is filled with the excitement of the release of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. The release date has been announced on October 27. Stay tuned for more information on World of Warcraft, and it’s latest releases!