When thinking about PC gaming, then you’re instantly thinking about W-A-S-D, Space, Left and Right Click, Control for crouching, Alt for dodging, and so on and so forth. The keyboard and mouse have defied all odds and became the standard instruments for PC gamers everywhere, but in 2020, gaming peripherals are part of a vast spectrum, one where you can find gadgets that will fit your particular playstyle.

If you want to customize your gaming experience so you get the most out of your gaming sessions, we’ve got you covered. Let’s continue by talking about the best gaming peripherals that will change the way you play videogames.
Mouse and Keyboard
Ah, the mouse and keyboard, the basic tools of the PC gamer. From FPS games to RTS titles, you can play just about everything using this classic pair. The mouse provides you with accuracy without taxing your speed, and the keyboard is ideal for chatting with your team if you want to keep it on the qt, and playing games that involve using a lot of skills/functions, like MMORPGs and strategy games.
There are different types of keyboards and mice, some being useful for different types of games. Short keyboards don’t have the numpad and media keys, making them better for FPS games, where you need more space to move your wrist and mouse. For games like MMOs, there are keyboards with macro buttons, on which you can program strings of events, combos, burst with multiple abilities at once, you name it.
Gaming mice are the same. The standard “office” mouse has right, left and middle click. Lightweight, with no extra buttons, it’s hardly a good choice for gaming. Gaming mice have clutches that can adjust your mouse’s sensitivity on the fly and have extra buttons on the side, buttons that you can assign abilities to in FPS games. For instance, in Overwatch, putting melee on your side clicks will save you time and grab you a lot of extra kills. In PUBG, Apex, and Fortnite, putting your health and shields on mouse 4 and 5 can save you in a pinch.
PS4 Controller
If you’ve been gaming for a while, then you know that the mouse and keyboard have their flaws. Having only two axes of movement makes 3D 3rd person games like The Witcher, GTA, Tomb Raider, feel kind of clunky when played with a mouse and keyboard. The analog from a PlayStation 4 controller is the perfect feature that will give your character’s movements more depth and accuracy.
Racing games and sports games, in general, will also benefit from adding a gamepad to your setup. A controller’s layout crams in more functions in a more comfortable layout, something that a keyboard struggles to do.
XBOX Controller
While the PS4 controller is a great choice, the XBOX is the superior controller when it comes to PC gaming. Being a Microsoft product, the Xbox One Controller is fully compatible with any machine running Windows, and gamers love Windows. With Windows 10, the controller is plug-n-play, the vast majority of the games being already mapped for this type of gamepad.
Simulation Setup
If you’re a fan of racing games, then a motorsport simulation rig might be the best choice for you. This involves a play seat which emulates a car seat, shit stick, wheel, pedals, and it can really add up. The “cockpit” and car seat are pretty expensive by themselves. Throw in a big display and all the above-mentioned peripherals and you’re looking at a pretty expensive hobby. That being said, if you’re passionate about racing games, there’s no better way of experiencing them.
This is especially good if you’re into playing Formula 1 games, where the simulator will give you a level of immersion that’s otherworldly. If this is something you’re interested in, make sure you have the space needed to accommodate such a voluminous setup.
Bottom Line
These were just a few of the options PC gaming offers its followers. That’s the beauty of PC gaming. One day you could be slaying monsters, the other day you could be selling turnips to your local townsmen. You never know. Try experimenting with multiple types of peripherals and figure out which one is right for you.