Final Fantasy XIV details continue to trickle out at a snail’s pace, with a few insights released today regarding five new clans for Final Fantasy XIV. The clan details were released as Final Fantasy XIV gets ever closer to its TBD PS3 and PC release date later this year. (Pre-order it here for PC, or pre-order Final Fantasy XIV for PS3
So, the details released today regarding the new clans in Final Fantasy XIV? Glad you asked. All told, and as previously announced, Final Fantasy XIV will have five clans total in its world of Eorzea: the Elezen, the Lalafell, the Hyur, the Roegadyn and the Miqo’te. But now we know a bit more.
The Elezen, described by Square Enix as a “Noble and Refined” nomadic race, are tall and slender with sensitive ears. The Elezen formerly claimed sole dominion over the world, but their relations with the Hyur have been tense and plagued by warfare. Fortunately, the two races coexist peacefully in the game world’s “current day,” but who knows what might transpire as the game progresses.
The Lalafell, which are short and round a la some obese dwarves, are ironically known for their incredible agility in addition to their cunning intellect. As such, Square refers to them as “More Clever by Half.”
The Hyur, which as stated currently live peacefully with the Elezen, strive for “Diversity in Numbers” and are thus the most populous race in Eorzea. In addition to being numerous, the Hyur has sophisticated technology and a complex ethos that has made them the driving force behind cultural progress in Eorzea.
The Roegadyn, a maritime people, are muscular and have incredible courage, but details about their history and tendencies remains scant. All Square will divulge is the term “Size Matters” when talking about the Roegadyn. Could the omission of details be intentional? What’s Square not telling us that might be pertinent to the plot of Final Fantasy XIV?
And finally, the fifth clan — The Miqo’te– is a comparatively small hunting tribe that maintains an insular group mentality and tends to avoid contact with other races.
Too bad they’re going to encounter a whole bunch of people once Final Fantasy XIV releases for PS3 and PC later this year….
For more information, head over to the Final Fantasy XIV Web site and click on the “World” tab under the subhead “Races.” You’ll also find some new artwork from the game.