Modern Warfare 2 ships tomorrow (or tonight at midnight), but some retailers are reportedly selling the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare sequel early. So says the Internet, anyway. Well, not one to let plot spoilers or fudged sales data out in the wild, Activision today made the following official statement regarding reports of Modern Warfare 2 going on sale early:
“Activision has not given any retailer permission to sell Modern Warfare 2 prior to the Nov. 10 street date. The company fully supports the Nov.10 street date.”
OK, so it’s not scathing or even a retail bitch slap, but it definitely squashes any rumors of endorsed pre-sales from the retail channel. If you’ve heard of someone playing Modern Warfare 2 before its official ship date, the person is either lying through his/her teeth or works at a store and has opened the package all secret-like. Either way, Activision has not supported pre-sales of Modern Warfare 2. You’ll just have to wait until midnight like the rest of us.