Secret Pets in that put the “WoW” in World of Warcraft
One of these pets can be your best friend in Azeroth!
No adventure through Azeroth’s vast expanse would be complete without a trusty pet by your side. While you can practically pick up any pet to accompany you, it’s only natural to want unique ones. You know they type—the secret ones! Wanting them is as natural as wanting to buy cheap WoW gold. Thankfully, you won’t need to spend a pretty penny on most of these pets.

Here’s a look at the secret pets with the most “wow” factor in the entirety of World of Warcraft!
Wicker Pup
It has been said that dogs are a man’s best friend. But be you man, woman, wizard, or elf, you’re sure to take a quick liking to this adorable little rascal. To get this little friend, you’ll need to go to Drustvar. There’ll be rituals with three torches at specific locations (18.5 51.3, 68.4 68.7, 67.6 73.6, 25.6 24, 55.4 51.5). After clicking on the torches, you may then proceed to loot the chests. Loot all chests and combine the WoW items to get this secret pet!
Francois the Chicken
This adorable pet chicken is fairly easy to obtain. Just head on over to the Tiragarde Sound (52.8 31.1) and talk to Francois. A word of warning, though. This chicken’s a bit high class as he won’t talk to you unless you’ve got 1 million gold at the very least. The good thing is that you don’t necessarily need to spend that amount of money. You just need to have it in your inventory and Francois will gladly join you.
TapTaf the Pig
This little piggie won’t go to market to become a yummy piece of bacon—all thanks to you! Just one glance at it and you’ll see just what an adorable little pet it will make. As rare as this pet is, it’s also rather easy to obtain. What makes it “rare” per se is the fact that you’ll need to somewhat go out of your way just to add it to your menagerie. It is located in Drustvar at these coordinates: 67. 8 79.3. Look for a gnome named Idej the Wise. The gnome does a not-so-wise thing where he admits to you that he polymorphed a person into a pig. You may then attack him and the pig will promptly offer you its services.
Terky the Murloc
While not exactly the proverbial eye candy, Terky the Murloc does have a certain alluring charm. Luckily, while this is a secret pet, it’s also quite easy to get it. To do so, simply click on the white murloc and the WoW item in Borean Tundra located at 55. 8 88. 1 and 54. 6 89. 4. Just a little bit off the ocean. You just need to look around for the cave entrance. It’s a bit well-hidden so you’ll need to focus a bit more than usual. As this is actually an old zone, it’s a rather nice gesture from Blizzard to infuse it with a new secret.
OK. Some might consider Hopling to be nothing more than an oversized albino rabbit-rat mutation. But the truth is that others may also find it cute! To get it, you’ll need to complete Ling-Ting’s Herbal Journey. As such, it’s not as “rare” as the other pets on this list. Be that as it may, rare is still rare. To get it, make your way to the Stormstout brewery dungeon and click on Auntie Stormstout. Buy Ling-Ting’s Favorite Tea from her and drink it. Doing so will allow you to target Golden Hoplings inside the instance. Here’ the catch: There are 30 of them and you’ll need to click on each one! Miss one and you’ll need to start over! Should you succeed, the Hopling will then be waiting for you at the nearest mailbox.
Vol’dun Assault Bots
Forget about cuteness. This pet is downright nasty and we love it—and there’s a big chance you might love it too! Now pay attention because getting this secret pet in World of Warcraft will be a bit tricky. You’ll need to click on the massive mech bots (a giant gorilla vs a giant spider) during the invasions of Vol’dun. This is provided that your faction’s mech won the battle, of course! The enemy bot will then drop a WoW item. Click on it. Repeat this secret event thrice to get three pieces of the WoW item and combine them at the conclusion to assemble your very own assault bot. Note that Horde players get a spider bot while Alliance players get a gorilla bot. That said, you can also short-circuit the process and just buy WoW gold so you can purchase your own assault bot from the Auction House.
Vengeful Chicken
If Francois the Chicken brought warm and fuzzy feelings to you, then this particular pet is the exact opposite! It’s menacing, it’s nasty, and it’s downright vengeful! Get it by undertaking the quest Waycrest Manor: Witchy Kitchen. Engage the NPCs in combat, wait for them to drop a chicken, have them drop roasting fire on it, and wait for them to spray it with gravy. A quest will pop up requiring you to talk to Oglethorpe Obnoticus who will give you this pet.
And there you have it—the top secret pets you should go out of your way to obtain. Pets are an essential part of your adventures through Azeroth. And with these awesome pets, your adventures will surely be on an epic scale! Be sure to snag them up whenever you get extra WoW gold!
Have you tried any of these Secret pets in World of Warcraft? Do you have certain ones in mind that we may have missed? Do let us know by leaving a comment below!