Rockstar is working with Marvel Comics on a three-part original comic series with a first issue slated to release by May. The comic series will be released both as a digital graphic novel and in limited print editions.
Written by Dan Houser and Remedy’s Sam Lake, and featuring cover art from Greg Horn and pencils/inks by Fernando Blanco, this original Max Payne 3 comic series will delve into Max’s troubled past. The story will explore the events that occurred in and around both Max Payne and Max Payne 2, thus acting as a “prequel” of sorts to Max Payne 3, while shedding new light on Max’s early years.
Look for Issue #1: “After the Fall” to be released in the next few weeks for free via the Rockstar Newswire, the Max Payne 3 Official Site and additional digital comic channels.