Monarch, Canada – Popular products beg for innovation. The highly addictive puzzle game sudoku is one such example. Search for sudoku on Google, and one will find countless variations on the theme, all vying to add challenge and fun. Real Sudoku3D, one and a half years in the making, is a product in which the creators wanted not only to impress upon gamers the concept of true 3D sudoku, but also allow them to be fully immersed in a fun and engaging 3D environment.
Standard sudoku is played on a nine by nine grid, where each row, column and three by three area must contain the numbers one through nine without repetition. Clues are given in the form of solved cells, leaving the filling of remaining cells ‘as an exercise’ for the player.
Killer Sudoku offers a challenging variation on the theme where conventional clues are replaced with sums of certain adjacent cells, or only provide greater-than and less-than clues between cells. Dr Arto Inkala’s World’s Most Difficult Sudoku requires thinking ahead in terms of up to 8 or 9 combinations to solve each cell instead or just 2 or 3 as in most games.
Another potentially exciting class of sudoku puzzle attempts to add a third dimension to the game. Some of these sudoku variations claim to be 3D in nature, but most of these implement the feature in name only. Pseudo 3D sudoku games offer conventional 2D sudoku grids placed in a 3D environment, or simply use a background image with apparent depth.
Partial attempts at a 3D sudoku also exist that use the outer surfaces of a game cube. These only require that the six outer faces agree along intersecting edges.
3Doku is an interesting variant that actually does require agreement between all nine layers throughout the game cube. Unfortunately, its user interface is disappointingly 2D in nature with an unintuitive layout and confusing navigation system. It only offers a progress summary and current location overview in its 3D view.
Real Sudoku3D provides a puzzle in which all cells in all 9 layers of the game must fit according to regular sudoku rules, in every direction. Players enjoy an engagingly immersive, truly 3D experience, in which they interact directly with the 3D model to see it from any perspective. They may turn layers on and off at will, and freely rotate, slide, turn and zoom through the game.
System Requirements:
* OS X 10.6.6 or later
* 8.6 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Real Sudoku3D Lite is Free and available worldwide through the Mac App Store in the Games category.
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Located in Monarch, AB, Canada, Real Sudoku3D was founded in 2011 by Matt Sherwood and Annanie Pang. With continuous forward-thinking and progressive technology, this indie development company is looking to enhance the mobile gaming experience by introducing true 3D sudoku into the market. All Material and Software (C) 2012 Real Sudoku3D / All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPod, the iPod logo, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.