CBD has become one of the most popular natural remedies for anxiety in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. Gummies are one of the most popular forms of CBD products, and they’re also some of the easiest to dose and carry around with you in case you have an anxiety attack while you’re out in public or on the go. If you need more information before you try CBD gummies for anxiety, this article will go in-depth on how it works with the mind and body.
Why it works
CBD gummies are essentially like eating candy for your anxiety and a great alternative to pills. CBD gummies are made with cannabidiol (CBD), a compound found in cannabis that doesn’t cause psychoactive effects such as getting high. CBD also has some potentially serious health benefits.
Because they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, including orange slices and gummy bears, they can be easily disguised as regular candy so your boss doesn’t find out you’re popping CBD every time you bite into one.
Because they don’t contain THC, CBD gummies won’t show up on a drug test, even for casual users. They also have no reported side effects and have been proven to be effective for treating anxiety in several clinical studies.
One study found that just 25 mg of CBD was enough to help people with social anxiety disorder reduce their symptoms by up to 50 percent. Some people may experience mild nausea when taking them at first but you can avoid that by starting out with a lower dose and working your way up until you find what works best for you.
You can take them as often as needed without worrying about overdosing because there are no known serious side effects from using high-quality products. Just make sure that you purchase your CBD gummies from reputable companies so you know exactly what’s going into them.
How it works in your brain
If you want to understand what CBD does in your brain, it’s helpful to understand how our brains function in general. The human brain has billions of neurons that connect via synapses. Each neuron can communicate with up to 10,000 other neurons through these synapses and transmit chemical signals across a gap called a synaptic cleft.
The communication process happens when a neurotransmitter releases from one neuron and binds with another neuron. Once released into the synapse, that neurotransmitter could interact with either additional neurons or bind back to receptors on that same first neuron-or not do anything at all. When used as an anxiety-reducing supplement, CBD mimics both serotonin and anandamide.
First, it attaches to CB1 receptors in your brain to produce a calming effect that helps you keep things in perspective and promotes rational thinking.
Second, it stimulates endocannabinoid production while also inhibiting FAAH enzymes, which reduce anandamide levels. That dual process blocks any anxious feelings linked to overthinking or lack of control in social situations.
The long-term impact: CBD is still new to science, so there’s not a lot of research on its long-term effects. However, one study found that CBD use can reduce anxiety and depression over time in people with social anxiety disorder (SAD).
The study looked at a group of patients with SAD who were given either an oral CBD treatment or a placebo for eight weeks. Those who received CBD saw significant reductions in anxiety and depression symptoms compared to those who took a placebo.
How it works in your body
CBD and hemp oil, both derived from industrial hemp plants, are all part of a larger group of compounds called cannabinoids. Like many natural substances found in plants, these compounds interact with certain receptors in your body.
Almost every organ in your body has its own set of receptors and so does your endocannabinoid system. Your endocannabinoid system (ECS) is responsible for regulating homeostasis throughout your entire body-which basically means keeping everything running smoothly!
It’s made up of endogenous cannabinoids (produced naturally by your body), phytocannabinoids (found in cannabis and some other plants), and several other chemicals. Together they all work to maintain balance in your body.
CBD is both CB1 and CB2 receptor-active. The way that CBD works is a bit different from how THC does-it actually blocks or dampens down some of the effects caused by THC on CB1 receptors. This means that, unlike THC, CBD doesn’t get you high but it can still have an impact on your body. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, which may help reduce pain.
Final Thoughts
While it’s true that CBD gummies are legal in the UK and all 50 states and don’t have any of the side effects caused by prescription anti-anxiety medications, their usefulness as a treatment for long-term anxiety varies from person to person. If you do want to try CBD gummies for anxiety (or anything else), start with a low dosage and work your way up to find out what dosage works best for you and how often you should take it.