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September 2012

14 Year Old’s Game Hits #1 in 3 Countries

Global Whirl LLC has announced that Stick Run 5.0.1 has hit #1 in 3 countries. It features a stick man that runs from side to side based on the tilt of your device while avoiding blocks. The game is easy to play, and it has Game Center integration, so playing against friends is simple. Michael Naber, CEO of Global Whirl LLC, is 14 years old. Over the past few months his games have been at the top charts on a global scale. At their peak, they have reached #1 in Argentina, Chile, and Finland.

14 Year Old’s Game Hits #1 in 3 Countries Read More »

New iOS arcade puzzle game blasts onto the scene

KickStart Development introduces Bit Blast Pro 1.0, its new retro inspired arcade puzzle game exclusively for iOS. Challenging players to blast bits off the screen by linking together game pieces of the same type, Bit Blast Pro has players taking on the clock in an infinite array of random levels for top scores against friends and players world wide. With a dynamic board size and progressive game piece introduction, Bit Blast Pro ensures players will never truly play the same puzzle twice.

New iOS arcade puzzle game blasts onto the scene Read More »

Stackimals (Anipeiliaid) a fun, family puzzle game for iOS and Android

Pixel Knights Ltd. today introduces Stackimals (Anipeiliaid) 1.0, its engaging new puzzle game for iOS and Android devices. Fun for all ages, Stackimals (Anipeiliaid) will be sure to keep the entier family entertained with its vast array of fun yet puzzling levels. Save the animals which fall from the sky by dragging them to the safety of the landing pads. Plenty of puzzles, obstacles and bonus levels to keep the most hardened animal stacker occupied.

Stackimals (Anipeiliaid) a fun, family puzzle game for iOS and Android Read More »

Deep Voyage HD for iPad Released

Notus Games studio introduces Deep Voyage HD 1.0.0, a new puzzle game for iiPad that the whole family can enjoy. In this game you set off for a voyage with a gorgeous mermaid outside the gates of the Underwater Kingdom. Complete exciting levels and help the mermaid to find all she needs to make your sea garden perfect. Clear your way through more than 200 levels of puzzles. Match colorful gems and earn a variety of helpful power-ups, as you relax and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.

Deep Voyage HD for iPad Released Read More »

Where’s My Candy 1.0.1 for iOS: Cute Panda Collects Candy in Puzzle Game

Zhangming Ltd. today introduces Where’s My Candy 1.0.1 for iOS, their fun new puzzle game that anyone can enjoy. Players control Joy, an adorable panda with a desire for candy, as he travels through the bamboo forest, sky, castle, and more locations in search of sweets. The game features several levels that increase in difficulty as well as four separate character modes for Joy to adapt. By guiding Joy through the puzzle and avoiding enemy spiders, players gain points and new challenging levels.

Where’s My Candy 1.0.1 for iOS: Cute Panda Collects Candy in Puzzle Game Read More »

Atlantis Oceans HD – Scuba Diving Adventure for iPad

Sunrise Software has released a truly unique game – Atlantis Oceans HD – for iPad. Atlantis Oceans is an adventure game, where the player dives into a beautiful underwater world and challenges his scuba diving skills on a quest to re-discover Atlantis. Swimming amongst fish dolphins and whales, the player collects treasures and ancient artifacts. Easy to play and perilously addictive, this game will draw the player into the dark depths of the oceans… where danger is never far away.

Atlantis Oceans HD – Scuba Diving Adventure for iPad Read More »

Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering Blazes onto Desktops with Mac Launch

Mail.Ru Games takes its popular turn-based epic from mobile to Mac with the release of Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering on the Mac Store. The dazzling 3D graphics dare Mac desktop and laptop players to defeat the evil Sovering, who has risen from dormancy to annihilate the natives of mythical Haradan. Selecting one of six legendary characters known as Scorpions, players must save Haradan by battling over 100 horrifying demons and completing numerous challenging and dangerous quests.

Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering Blazes onto Desktops with Mac Launch Read More »

Cardio Lie Detector – Your Own Personal Lie Detecting App

Cardio Lie Detector Premium makes discovering the truth possible on a phone. Using the iPhone’s built-in camera and flash, the phone measures heart rates and compares it to the at rest heart-rate, telling users the probability that the person is lying. Users simply tap the center and measure a person’s normal heart rate at rest, then ask the questions to the answers they want to know. The same technology used for lie detection services done by law enforcement is now available on the iPhone.

Cardio Lie Detector – Your Own Personal Lie Detecting App Read More »

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