Viking: Battle for Asgard shipped for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 today, providing Sega fans a chance to embark on their first next-gen pillaging escapade.
Viking: Battle for Asgard is an open-world game in which players work their way through a world that involves new and horrific twists on Norse mythology. The game was developed by The Creative Assembly.
In the game, players step into a mythological world overrun with demonic warriors unleashed by Hel, the Norse goddess of the underworld. As Skarin, a rage-fueled Viking hero, players wage all-out war to free humanity from the grip of evil and ultimate annihilation.
Viking: Battle for Asgard lets players command dragons and wield fire, ice and lightning, laying waste to enemies in either small skirmishes or epic battles featuring hundreds of warriors. Since the game’s set in brutal times, it’s no surprise that enemies suffer graphic dismemberment from an array of Skarin’s melee, range and magic attacks.
Players are also able to upgrade their combat skills and Skarin’s otherworldly abilities to create an ever-changing landscape of “epic violence and heroic victory.”
DailyGame hopes to have a full review of Viking: Battle for Asgard for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in the weeks ahead.