Before the Grammys and in the middle of winter, it’s hard not to think about music and tropical settings. Well, today Ignition Entertainment shipped a Bubble Bobble game that addresses both daydreams: Rainbow Island Evolution. Rainbow Island Evolution is now in stores for the PlayStation Portable (PSP).
In Rainbow Island Evolution, players must avoid falling under the shadow of an evil record company whose mass-produced musical trash is polluting the ecosystem. Sounds like Top 40 radio, doesn’t it? Only in Rainbow Island Evolution, it’s not consumers who are suffering, but the flora and fauna, which are wilting and mutating into aggressive enemies, respectively.
Playing as Bub and Bob, players take on the record company and its seven bosses. Unlike previous Bubble Bobble games, though, the strict vertical ascents have been expanded into three dimensions, with each level’s building-block platforms now following perspective and disappearing into the distance.
As Bub and Bob negotiate the levels, these new platforms scroll to the forefront as they become accessible.