Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry 2 are coming to Steam, Ubisoft and Valve announced today. According to the statement, Valve’s PC-gaming online distribution service will add a host of new Ubisoft titles in the months ahead.
All told, Valve and Ubisoft will bring more than 40 Ubisoft games to Steam. Assassin’s Creed is now available for pre-purchase via Steam, while other titles will be there soon, including games from the Tom Clancy series, the Heroes of Might & Magic series, the IL-2 Sturmovik collection and Far Cry, among others.
Ubisoft said that the agreement will also include “future AAA releases such as Far Cry 2.”
According to Valve’s Jason Holtman, Ubisoft will be responsible for the largest library of titles available from any single publisher or developer currently distributing its games via Steam.